Mythbusters: The Hybrid Publishing Edition
A Talk by Tara R. Alemany , Alexa Bigwarfe , JuLee Brand and Teri Rider
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Earlier this year, the Society of Authors and the Writers Guild of Great Britain issued a joint report on the nontraditional hybrid publishing model called Is it a Steal? In this report, hybrid publishing came under fire as being “the worst option a writer can take.”
Yet for some authors, hybrid publishing provides the professional support they need to create the books they want quickly while adhering to industry standards for quality books.
The UK report equates hybrid publishers to vanity presses when, in fact, they are two distinct things.
So, we’ve pulled together a panel of four hybrid publishers to talk about the myths surrounding hybrid publishing and what you need to know to make an informed decision regarding your publishing options.
Please join us as Teri Rider, JuLee Brand, Alexa Bigwarfe and Tara R. Alemany bust many of the myths surrounding hybrid publishing.
Show Notes: This panel discussion has been featured on the New Shelves Book blog as part of a guest post that Tara Alemany wrote for them. Check it out!
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